韩悦先生有超过14年专业从事保险工作的经验,曾供职于国际知名的保险公司和经纪公司。熟悉国内外保险市场,了解相关政策和法律法规,并为不同领域的客户在不同国家的海外项目提供关于风险咨询、保险设计和排分、赔案处理、现场培训等相关服务。曾于2007年通过海外商业保险市场为国内中资银行安排了第一单政治风险保险。在2010~2011年间,曾主管协调不同领域专家组成的专业团队全程为客户处理绑架事件导致的危机应对工作,历时14个月。专注于危机管理类特殊保险如政治风险、结构性贸易、结构性贸易融资、项目融资、恐怖主义和政治暴力、绑架和赎金(包含海盗)的咨询和保险解决方案。Mr. HAN has more than fourteen years’ experience of direct insurance and reinsurance and has ever worked for both brokers and insurer since 2001. Mr. HAN was familiar with both international and domestic insurance market, as well as the insurance regulation and law, risk consulting, insurance program design, placement, claim handling and training service to clients in varies industries. Mr. HAN worked for the first Political Risk Insurance via international commercial market for Chinese Bank in 2007. He also spent more than 14 months to coordinated a professional team with varies experts for a full kidnapping crisis response work in 2010/2011.
Mr. HAN joined Aon-COFCO in Dec 2011, as the national practice leader of Crisis Management, focusing on the Crisis consulting and package risk/insurance solution of Political Risk & Structure Trade, Trade Finance, Political Violence & Terrorism, Kidnap for Ransom (including Piracy).