周赤宾先生 现任美国评值有限公司副总裁以及德正信国际资产评估有限公司全球事务局总裁。周先生在不同行业的企业融资拥有超过二十年经验。周先生负责并参与了许多跨国企业在华投资和中国企业之海外公开上市、合资、收购、兼并、重组、财务报告等评估及交易等相关财务咨询服务。周先生非常活跃于国际及中国工商界。周先生自2003年起一直出任华南美国商会董事,并于2012年被美国商务部特别授予奖状以表彰其对中美贸易作出的贡献。周先生还受聘北京大学兼职教授及中南财经法政大学评估专业研究生导师。
Mr. Joe Chow(Zhou) has over twenty years corporate finance related experience, covering a wide range of industries including providing valuation consulting services for foreign multinational inbound as well as Chinese outbound transactions. Joe is active in the international and Chinese business communities. He has been the governor of American Chamber of Commerce in South China since 2003 and was awarded a certificate by the US Department of Commerce in 2012 for his contribution to Sino-US trade. Joe is also a part-time professor at the Peking University as well as the tutor of the master program on Valuation at the Zhongnan University of Economics and Law.