• 姓    名:Jonathan Judge
  • 职    务:美国Schiff Hardin律师事务所合伙人
  • 擅长领域:法律
  • 服务机构:
Jonathan Judge是美国Schiff Hardin 律师事务所合伙人。擅长美国消费者产品安全委员会(CPSC)调查程序中的法律事务。包括为青少年产品、日用品和工业产品制造商在美国的产品安全责任事项提供法律建议,帮助企业产品制造商和进口商实现对消费者产品安全法案的遵守,并为企业辩护,经验丰富。为企业在全美范围内为寻求全面的产品责任代表担任国家协调顾问。特别是确保CPSC产品调查不会影响在相关产品责任诉讼中的辩护。 Jonathan Judge counsels and defends manufacturers of juvenile, household and industrial products in matters across the United States. Mr. Judge has extensive experience defending client interests during Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) investigations, and he helps product manufacturers and importers comply with the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). Jonathan Judge. Mr. Judge also acts as national coordinating counsel for companies seeking comprehensive product liability representation anywhere in the United States. In particular, Mr. Judge works to ensure that CPSC product investigations do not compromise the defense of related product liability lawsuits, and vice versa.