Oscar Zhao, born in 1970 and graduated from Department of Political Science and Public Administration (currently School of Government), Peking University, with Bachelor of Arts degree. Prior to BlueFocus, he had served as senior manager at Sida Advertising, general manager at Lucun (a local PR consulting firm) and COO at Yabao (an on-line auction company). Oscar acted as CEO of BlueFocus Public Relations Consulting from 1996 to 1999 and from 2002 to 2007 respectively. He is currently the Chairman and CEO of BlueFocus Communication Group, and also acts as executive member of China International Public Relations Association (CIPRA) and trustee of Communication University of China (CUC). Oscar has 20-year experience in public relations practice and management, he founded BlueFocus in 1996 which is the largest local professional public relations firm in mainland China.